Tuesday, September 30, 2008

in case you are interested

Cub Scouts -

Do you have friends and family out of town that might be interested in purchasing a wreath, spray or other holiday item?

Now -- Send a Catalog by Email!

Now it's easier than ever to show those long-distance relatives our full-color catalog! Just save the attached catalog PDF and email it to them. The document is a replica of the printed catalog, and also includes Pack 298's prices and order forms. You can now also find the document on the Pack website. Just go to www.pack298.com, login and look on the private welcome page for the ‘Holiday Fundraiser’ message.

After you send the catalog, be sure to follow up by phone and record all the necessary information on your green order envelope -- or for gift orders shipped by UPS, complete one of the official, bar-coded blue Gift Order Forms.

You must collect money for your orders before turning them in to the Pack on October 22. Tell your customers to expect delivery between December 5th and 8th.


This really sucks

So I have made me journal public since they can't switch it to blogspot if it is private..

Is there a way for us to transfer all our enteries ourselves...I'm really bummed about this...


Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm still here

Just a short note to say hello. Kids are fine growing like weeds. My hubby will be celebrating his 40th b-day on oct 6....The surgery went ok but I have been a bitch not being able to eat food yet...

Didn't realize how much I eat to mask my feelings... every other day I'm thinking of divorcing my hubby.. Poor guy... this will pass.

busy with cubscouts...haven't found a job and that is very dishearting.

I'm about really to give up and maybe be a nurse or hell maybe I'll just go live under a bridge...

told you I was gripey...

Paula thanks for checking on me .. you know I cherish your kindness

maybe I will come down and live with you and the cows...lol lol

Tell john to scoot over lol lol

Love to all
