Wednesday, November 12, 2008

mom you know what

Me: What
Cameron: You know what would be weird?
Cameron: If dad wasn't my dad
Me:( laughing) That would be funny since he is your dad
Me: Where do you come up with this..
Cameron: Well you could have somebody else's kid
Me: NO I couldn't I can't have any more kids...
Cameron: Oh that's right your old lol
Me: yep and your making me older ever day get!!


Ally Lifewithally said...

I love your conversations with Cameron ~ enjoy your replies as well :o) ~ Ally x

Bill said...

OK, All us old people need to go to rest homes away from the young thinkers of the world.
I enjoyed this little discussion you and Cameron had. I sure got a chuckle out of it.
My Regards, Bill