Sunday, April 23, 2006

Thats IT


Yes that is my precious child Cameron who is 10 almost 11 and he has offically boycotted us...LOL

I reply:" Well I am going to miss your cute face...but it will save us money on the grocery bill and we could rent your room out..".

He makes a face like you wouldn't

I look at my husband and sign ....You know its coming I tell him...

What?? my husband says...

Hormones!!!! I so do not like this age....I think I will run away.. I Iaugh..

<I have a grown son so I have lived through the teenage years and it was not pretty.....> I have battle wounds..

And so life goes on and I know it will get worse before it gets better....

but GOD love  him because by the time we get throught those teenage years

somebody will have to....Ok just kidding....sort of...HA!!



Anonymous said...

You are right... the hormones are kicking in. I teach that age group... I don't envy you. I have one son... he's grown, too, and I remember those years as the son tries to pull away from the mother and challenge the father... but keep remembering, it's his learning, practicing, posturing, growing. He has to find his place among his peers, and at the same time act like he doesn't need his parents, when even he knows he's not ready to let go of them yet. But you've already been through it all... so hang on, here comes round 2! Ding-ding!!   Love to you, Donna. Bea

Anonymous said...

I saw the episode on the Brady Bunch when Jan wants to be an only child. I remember one time my oldest child who is almost 20 in July told me she was running away, I said ok, Hurry back before dinner, lol she went to the end of the driveway and came back.

Anonymous said...

Donna I just loved that conversation ~ "Oh the joys of parenthood" ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hormones at 10? My son is 10 and has been acting out, I had no idea that it could be the start of hormones. I am not ready my oldest daughter just turned 16 and hers are full blown. My 14 year old son is really good and controlled thank God but my 12 year old daughter has started her pre-teen attitude and now you tell me that the 10 year old is starting. I think that I need to call nanny 911. lol

Anonymous said...

I threaten my 14 year old daughter ALL the time that she can always go live with her grandmother (Todd's evil mother) if she keeps it up.  She thinks I am joking, but I am SERIOUS at the time!  I keep thinking that someone isn't going to live through these puberty years!!!  Hang in there!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

LOL It can start at 8