Monday, July 17, 2006

I could spit nails

I'm so angry I could spit nails...

Have you ever been that angry..

My head hurts I was so angry...

Mean people suck...

I work with a woman who likes to belittle me and talk to me like I'm stupid.. She calls me on my cell phone today to bitch about some little something that is her job but felt the need to blame me..

This time I didn't sit there like her doormat.. I spoke up to her..

Boy did it piss her off...her response..MAYbe you shouldnt work here then...

I said well isnt it funny you can call me and complain and dumb your feelings but I'm not allow to verbalize my feelings 

She stammered around and then started trying to belittle me again..I stood my ground..I didnt take it..

So she wants to have a meeting with me tomorrow because she thinks we need to dicuss that we arent seeing eye to eye..

I'm thinking there is a big X on my ass sister kiss it because I don't care anymore...

I will not take her crap ..Period...

SO how was your day?? lol


Anonymous said...

This woman better leave my Donna alone. I don't know why people have to be sooo mean. Is she a boss, superviser or anything? That still wouldn't give her the right. Yes I have been that angry too. You take care now, Paula

Anonymous said...

Go ahead...I got your back!!! lol
Man, I have been there and done that too...and yes I have spit nails also...I will say a little prayer for you tonight...
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Donna, name is Jackie and I just happened to stumble upon your journal.  You sound really upset, and boy do I know how that feels.  
I don't know how important your job is to you, but I just got fired from mine.  Want to know why?  Because I talked about something that happened at work, and someone found it, reported me, and next thing I knew (after 13 years of devoted service).. I was fired.  
I don't know what kind of job you work at.. maybe it's not a big deal at all.. but, just be careful what you say.  I know it's your own private/public journal, but you would be surprised at the people who can access it.  I never though in a million years that I would ever lose my job.  But, I did.  I sure learned my lesson.

At any rate.. this was just a 'friendly' little comment from a fellow JLander.  Please don't take offense to anything I said, because I honestly mean none.. :)

Hope you work things out with your coworker, and it's good that you stood up for yourself and said what you did.  Maybe the two of you will be able to work things out, eh?


Anonymous said...

Donna, Awwwwwwwww I hate knowing some witch is making you feel stupid !!!!!!!!! You are a beautiful and kind-hearted lady !!!!!! Hope everything works out for you at work tommorow, Hugs to you , Love Ya Lisa

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your journal long enough to know that I would NOT want to have you that angry at me!  I'll bet this ain't your first rodeo, and I feel rather sorry for that woman.  LOL.

Anonymous said...

I thought i had a bad day   hope it gets better soon!~kbear

Anonymous said...

I think mine was better than yours!

Anonymous said...

good for you, you don't need to take this crap from her.

Anonymous said...

TAke up for yourself!!! You go, girl!!

Anonymous said...

While I'm not condoning being extremely all means be firm and steadfast in taking up for yourself!  Seems I'm a day late and a dollar hope it all went well.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Wow -- haven't seen you around in quite a while.  Glad I came across this journal of yours.

Let's keep in touch.  Oh, and I'm glad that you're "Mad as hell and you're not going to take it anymore!"
