Company came and went....
It was nice to have them here and kind of makes me sad that we don't live closer to family...
Debbie<hubby sister> took the kids back with her....I have been very sad since they left..
I cried after they drove off yesterday and some this morning....I think it is because they are so special to me and I see the future of what is to come .........
when they are gone .
It's a reminder that the days are numbered until I will have all children out and living on there own...
Being a mom is my job and its phasing some areas
I will be 46 August 29...and frankly I have changed so much in my thinking in a year it scares me...
I just don't care about living in a city anymore and I want to live somewhere slower....
I want to live somewhere with a flashing red around me....
and quite...
I don't have the energy to keep up nor do I care to....
I hate where we live...I want to drive down the street and see farm trucks and regular people NOT stupid hummers,BMW,Mercedes everywhere...
When we moved here it was a small sleepy town of 25 thousand and in 6 years it is a town of ovver 100 thousand...
I don't like what all these outsiders have brought with them more crime...increased housing cost...big mcmansions.....bratty spoilt rich kids who drive better cars than I have every owned or care to own...
My hubby says I am doing through midlife....<note hubby is 38>
Could beI say.... I never have felt this before so who knows..
We were having a cup of coffee and I told himYa know they don't have a book that says how to get older ikn 100 steps...maybe I should write one lol lol
Such a hopeless feeling sometimes..
I look at life and think
IS this is....!! Is this as good as it gets.....
I appreciate everything... I have a wonderful hubby and children..good health....
I don't know what I thought is would be like at have a dream at 20 and you bumble along and bam your 45....
Yes I know I could be older and I will be one day or dead who knows..
These are just thoughts I have
I thought
I would share them and see if you all ever felt like this...or been through this
happy July 4......