Monday, February 25, 2008

I want to scream



The last few years I have felt a shift inside me.

When I was young I wanted a nice house in a big city away from the boring town I lived in.

I now feel like I am suffocating living in the city.

I no longer long for a fancy house give me simple and ok. I want to live away from people and no HOA' me unsocial I guess...

Frankly even though I live in a big city the people are less than friendly.

I want community..

I want elderly rocking in there chairs waving hi to me.

I want to sip coffee in a shop other than starbucks were they know me and my family and really care...

oh and the coffee is a dollar a cup free refills.          

The conversation is free.

I feel a change and have for several years yet nothing is happening and our town grows faster and more impersonnel.

Frisco Texas used to be 2000 people in 1995. when we moved here in 2001 is was 30,000 people now 7 years later its over 100,000. people.

Richey poo people I call them..

There gated communities with there noses high up in the air...Hate it...

 BMW, Hummer, Mercedes everywhere Yeah that's just what kids drive..

I hate what they bring to the community...a shallowness..

Yes we have a beautiful city you don't think the rich would be having a ugly city.

But that is all it is now pretty on the outside empty on the inside...

oh I long for a house out on some land...

Maybe someday....


Anonymous said...

The best community you'll find is in this J-Land community.  Imagine yourself sitting on a front porch and chatting with us all.  Honey, it's the closest you'll come to small-town feelings.

Anonymous said...

MOsie is right. I am in the country now. The closest town is a small town and it is nothing like you long for. I want that too. Unsocial? No just wanting simpler times.

Anonymous said...

Donna, wow I could have written that entry, that is exactly how people are here, unfriendly and rude, Wish you lived closer, Love and Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

I am right there with you.  I can't stand not having a community, living in a place where people care about each other.  Instead we are dictated to by idiotic HOA boards.  We are fined instead of being asked if we need help.

