Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I don't know what is wrong with me I can't sleep these days...I took some melatonin tonight ......nothing...Im still wide awake

I laid in the bed for 2 hours eyes close... nothing no sleep

I ran out of benedryl so maybe I will have to buy somemore when hubby gets paid...Too broke right now..

I feel so lonely most days... I don't talk to anyone all day...I call my step mom about twice a week long distance...and my grandma. too.

Why is it so damn hard to make friends in this town...I hate living here....

The schools are really good but other than that... I hate it...

I try to talk to the neighbors but its always me going over and saying hi they never make the effort to walk down to my house to say hello..

sometimes I miss my old job just for the company of other adults..

I know I'm a fairly pleasant person to be around...

i just don't know what gives...

Some days I just get so sad about it I cry.....


Anonymous said...

This entry makes me sad.....I am sorry to hear you so down.  Last year when I moved to my husbands hometown I felt the exact way.  I am here if you want to talk.  I know its not the same but either way I am here...


Anonymous said...

oh please don't be sad....we are all here if you fancy a chat. send me an email or an im anytime you want to. love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your situation.  Maybe you can get something from your doctor to help you sleep.


Anonymous said...

I have always had a tendency to be depressed in the fall and winter, so maybe that's part of your problem.  I'm sorry you're not happy.  Have you tried over-the-counter sleep aids???  I won't take them over twice a week because you can develop a dependency on them, but they do work for me.  Being unable to sleep is another symptom of depression sometimes.

Anonymous said...

sounfs like depression.  Talk to your Dr. He can give you something.
There is a new sleeping med out that is noadictive.

Anonymous said...

I've been there Donna....I finally had to go to the Dr.
for help....i had no idea that i was actually going
through a depression....we are all here for you...just an
IM/email away.... I can totally relate

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. Like everyone before me has said, send an IM or email. You seem like a very pleasant person. I'm sure others will soon see it too.
                     Take Care

Anonymous said...

I wish I lived by you.:) I'd love to have someone to visit with!  I feel the same way you do most of the time(and have neighbors that are as snooty as can be).  Makes for some down and out feelings. Ugh..

Anonymous said...

Once the doc put me on Zoloft....I can sleep at the drop of a hat and for as long as I want.  I love it:)

Good luck!

Trick or Treat Edition:  http://journals.aol.com/swibirun/Inanethoughtsandinsaneramblings/entries/868

Anonymous said...

I wish you lived close to me. I get lonely, too...and I have lots of people around me, but I think you are a kindred spirit.