Saturday, August 4, 2007


I was sitting at the laptop  typing away I have been gone for around48 hours straight working and dum drum tired..

Cameron walks up with a serious face and voice

Cameron: mom

Me: yes

Cameron:I have something to tell you<he says in avery serious voice>

ME: What?

Cameron: When I drink water I don't know why but I fart

Me:  <laughing> HUM ok.....

Not really knowing why I need to know this info..

Cameron: Kind of like you and cabbage...

Me thinking .....hum point well taken..


Anonymous said...

Wait until you're old; then you get the "walking farts".  Most embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

I used to think when people called an older lady a "windbag" they meant she talked on and on.  Now that I am one, I know they mean she breaks wind alot.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Maybe you've got gassy water.  The water we had in the house I gre up in looked like alka seltzer when it came from the tap!


Anonymous said...

LOL.  That is why I stay away from certain vegetables!  Especially, when I have to work and out of the safety and anonymity of my own home!

Anonymous said...

You have the funniest kids!  And the conversations you have???  Hilarious!  J

Anonymous said...

hugs, Marina