Sunday, October 17, 2004

Longest distance in the world

What is the longest distance in the world?  Think about it....huh huh huh huh huh ..what is your guess?  Hummmm from here to the sun you say nope

Guess again come on come on. From here to eternity and back nope wrong again  give up give up

OK OK  ready got a pencil to write down the answer<yes there will be a pop quiz later>

The longest distance in the whole wide world issssssss drum roll please  The distance that it takes to move a dirty dish in our sink to the dishwasher HA!!!

It is only 2 feet thats right 2 lousy feet!!!! Now I dont have a problem with the distance oh no but the rest of my family are distance challenged.

Dont they make medication for this... surely the FDA is aware of this massive problem. Get the batphone alfred alert the press.:-)

What I am proud is they can pile those dirty dishes as high Mount Everest. Yes Sir REEE!!!

If piling dirty dishes in the sink was a jinga game my family would win. I can see it now....OPPPs there is an empty space if I stuck that bowl just right  very carefully ok dont breathe it will fall now run run before mom gets here.  Now I don't have the proof this happens but I'm psychic you know all moms are psychic.  :-)

I have eyes in the back of my head in fact hold on yeah I knew it my head just went completly around. 

Got To go load the dishwasher ugghhh!!

Donna in Texas

Picture of my youngest in kindergarten

He is the 2nd on the left .


Anonymous said...

Cute kid!  HAHA!  Piling dishes in the sing IS a Jinga game.  I've actually stop to think "why do we shove these dishes in here like this?!"...Sometimes it's hard to dislodge those dishes when trying to fill the dishwasher.:)

Anonymous said...

lol...i know my Mom used to say that about my brother & me.  Wait, she still mentions it on occasion!!! -=)

Anonymous said...

A dishwasher that doesn't talk back would be BLISS around here - lol