Tuesday, November 29, 2005

nightime conversations with Cameron

Me:scoot your butt over and make room for mom

Cameron:<giggles> <singing> Oh momma your the best mom ever I love you more than Arby's..

Me<laughing> wow more than Arby's..<roast beef sandwich shop> I guess I really rate since you LOVE Arby;s

Cameron: <laughs>

Me:: SO you wont to tell me what you and your brother were fighting about earlier today?

Cameron::Well you see Zach wanted to play Call of Duty 2 but Trip<ncighborhood kid> and I didn't want to ....so we said lets play hit the soccer ball against the wall...:Zach got mad and got the gun <translation...a stick that they picked up off the ground that they were using as a gun> and I told him NOOOO!!!! Put that down

Me: that still doesn't tell me why your brother wanted to break your finger off..

Cameron: well he didn't it was an accident he meant to hit me and miss and hit my fi.nger.

Me::What were you doing to make Zach so mad??...

Cameron: NOTHING!!!

Me: unhuh..

Cameron: ok! ok!! I'll admit it I called him a baby and he made a face like this< he makes the face> and then I make a face like this<shows me the face he made>

Me:: I don't like it when you and brother hurt each other

Cameron: I know<voice trailing off>

Me::well thank you for telling me the truth...That makes momma happy when you tell the truth

Cameron:: I have to!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cameron:Cause of Santa....he knows when your liei.ng..I want to get my presents Ya know..

Me<Laughing>  ok give me a kiss....I'm sure Santa is very happy with you...

Me::Night Night my little man..

Cameron: Night momma.....LOVE YA!!!!<he sings>

nightime conversations with Zachary

Zach: Momma

Me: Yes

Zach: will you lay with me a little

Me: sure for a short bit...

Zach:: momma did you know snowflakes are water

Me: Really

Zach:: yeah and they have little tiny designs but you can't see them with your eyes,,,

Me: wow

Zach : yes and they hit the ground and they will melt when the sun comes out

Me: Your so smart sweet pea

Zach:: YEah I know..


Me: well I have to get up now

Zach: momma wait one more thing


Zach:::your hair looks funny sticking up like that with that band on

Me: does it?

Zach:: yeah and tomorrow were going to finish the tree and hum tomorrow were having a assemble and...

<he was trying to think of a million things to talk about to keep me in the bed Ha>

Me: I have to go lay with brother now...

Me:: I love you Zachary...A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck..


Me: what Zach<my tone a  little sharp>

Zach: your the best momma ever

Me: thank you baby good night

Monday, November 28, 2005

monday monday

I'm sitting here trying to motivate myself to finish cleaning the house...Zach is having a b-day party this Friday with all his little friends..

Since his b-day is always around thanksgiving he doesn't get to have a party with his friends...They are usually out of town..

So this year we decided to have one after the fact....He is excited..

Me ...................well................ a bunch of kids running around my house maybe not so much...but zach will like it..

It will be simple ....Pizza and playing in the backyard or watch Polar express...They have to use there imagination and make ther fun...Its good for them

I don't do big fancy parties....Kids like it simple and so does my bank account<wink>

I always stress .....I think people will come over and say to themselves that my house isn't nice enough or clean enough...

I hate clutter...it always seems to find us though

Anyway getting off my Butt and attacking the computer desk clutter....I have been distracted long enough

Friday, November 25, 2005


 Got this from celeste at


I like number 6

The Center for Disease Control has released a list of  symptoms  of  bird flu.
If you experience any of the following, please seek medical treatment immediately:

1.  High fever
2.  Congestion
3.  Nausea
4.  Fatigue
5.  Aching in the joints
6.  An irresistible urge to shit on someone's windshield.


Once again I can not get my journal to save so I'm going through instant message
Happy Birthday Zachary
I can't believe you are 8...my baby is 8 where has the time gone?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

well wet my britches

I do not have high speed internet... We only have dial up...So I have a very limited view to what I can down load and I never repeat never hear anybodies music...I wish I could but I don't.The computer can't down load the highspeed music...So

I forget there is music on there....

I'm at my dads for a few days and I click on the fast speed sucker to enjoy the ride...whhhewwww

I click on a journal and start reading...and BAMMMMMMM

Music starts playing really loud and I almost wet my pants..

I thought what the Hell and then realized oh yeah music....

Yeah it was funny I jumped out of my seat.....

Maybe you had to be there....

check this out very neat


This is a video of what an unemployed electrical engineer does with lights on his house

Saturday, November 19, 2005

SO I cant get into my journal...SO last night I Took a tylenol Pm and miss all the hoopla with the police arresting prison bou next door...when journal let me in I will give you all the juicy details..............
I can't get into my journal except through aol instant message...I wonder what is going on....
ok everyone that reads my journal and has moved send me your new address even if you have already given it to me...I want to put them on my side bar so I can just click and see whats going on you your lives...and I will also pimp your journal if you want

ebarf phewwww

So were in the car headed to my dads to celebrate Zach's birthday and I hear my husband say oh shit...

My youngest was trying not to puke in the car but did anyway..

Poor thing...We thought he was better....

Soured thrown up milk....Gag me with a spoon......

We were on the highway so we had to drive all the way home with the smell...

windows rolled down. and the sun roof open...

thank goodness we were only about 20 minutes away from the house....

Poor little guy he is in a warm bath...smelling better now...

so its off to Walmart for sprite and more chicken soup...

Poor little man

I'm kind of ticked

So it seems about half the journals I read I can't get into anymore...

They went private...

Ok I get the point of why your going private...

I'm not fond of the banners but why are you punishing me...

You go private and don't ad me to your reading list...

Some say they don't want anyone to see the banners...ok but I still have a journal and I see them anyway when I write on my aol journal...

Don't get me wrong I don't care for them at all but I'm not going to cut off my journal friends to prove a point.....

Maybe I';m being sensitive.... Just kind of ticks me off...

what do the rest of your think...that are still around

Friday, November 18, 2005

blocking ads

I got a e-mail on how to block the banner...it worked so I'm passing it on for those who want to to use it


I got this on celeste journal the link is above

what is my bodies problem

I don't know what is going on with my body....I have been gaining weight in the last few months  but

not really doing anything different...In fact I have been exercising more..

Maybe a endocrine gland has gone wakko...

Has anybody has this problem then found out it was a body system not working right.t let me know...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


SO I found out that the company I worked for 16 years as a opening...

 conflicted...part of me wants to jump on it and try to get the job and the other part feels ill...

I been on both side of the fence....I want to work again but at what cost...

the money will be really good eventually and it would make finances better but <and you knew there was one>its a 24 hour office 7 days a week 365 days a year....yep you read it right

I worked in that kind of atmosphere when I was an operator....It sucked in some ways.....

So here I sit conflicted and fearfulll.....what to do what to do......

one journalers descision

SO I'm reading pams journal just one girls head noise http://journals.aol.com/his1desire/GirlsHeadNoise/...

and she did something smart....she changed her journal to a aol UK journal...


Same aol journal but no ads....

I thought that was pretty funny...however I'm sure the uk journals will be next.....



anybody still out there.....

oh look I have spell check....hum a day late and a dollar short...

thanks  I think..

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


why is there a AD banner on my journal????...

Do i get a check with commision if someone clicks on it???...

Did i say you could put it on my account??

i can understand putting it on free aim accounts but i pay you everymonth...

Now you want to make money off me...

Not happy about this at all...

<walks away shaking head>

Monday, November 14, 2005


I'm not a wrestling fan..Never have been..

So I know there is some wrestler by the name Guerrero which is my last name so people always ask if I'm related to them

I say could be...you never know...

Anyway a wrestler name Eddie Guerrero Died....

I turned on the TV and they had a bunch of wrestlers  tears streaming down there faces....

I thought wow real emotions and tears unusual for wresltling because it is all smoke and mirrors..

It was refreshing to see  men cry real tears for a friend who was lost....

I don't know anything about this person Eddie Guerrero...apearently pretty famous...

hummm maybe I should check out this family maybe were realted to famous people and don't know it...

Interesting to know what he died from...

What's a Virgin

Today I went to Walmart to get some stuff to make potatoe soup....

The boys <Cameron and Zach>were walking beside me...

Cameron my 10 year old is ADHD so he can't walk without making clicking noises..humming or singing...wiggling...

Well you get the picture....SO were walking down the isle Cameron is humming and singing and I hear......

Cameron: Like a Virgin wheee La La La...Mom what is a virgin??

Me:<Gulp>nervous laugh...Welllllllll a virgin is someone who has never had sex....

Cameron: Oh so I'm a Virgin...right.... I have never had sex

Me: Yes that is right hummm and you shouldn't until you get married....<I push the basket around the corner hoping the change of scenery will distract him>

Cameron:oh so Landon is a Virgin...<His 24 year old big brother>

Me:Humm No I don't think so...

Cameron: Oh so he has had sex with alot of girls?

Me: Well I don't think alot but probably more than he should...

Cameron: Oh Ok....< He goes off on some other song like we just talked about the weather...>

I swear this kid just blerts it out there....I never know what is going to come out of his mouth...

Later in the evening I ask him where he heard the song he was singing in the store...says he hearded it at my Mother in laws house....Seems my husbands neice has a karoke machine that they had sung on months ago ....

The kid has a memory like a whip...

I feel this is going to get harder and harder...<LOL>

Ping Ping Ping....

can't you hear the gray hair coming out on my head.....

my nephew

Picked up my nephew at school so I could take him for his allergy shots...I do this for him because my sister would just blow it off....

Of course I don't get gas money or anything from her even so... I still do it for him

We were sitting in the Dr...He said I didn't eat lunch again today

I said why?

He said mom says she can't put money in my school lunch account untill payday

I said...She got paid This last friday...so she should of had the money..besides she hustled the school into giving her reduced lunch for 50 cents...a day...<we pay 2.00 or more per day per kid ourselves>

I said.....I bet she had ciggarettes didnt she...

He said yeah...

Just burns me up she always finds a way to cheat the system...How she managed to get reduced lunches baffles me...We tryed and the system said we made too much...

Go figure she makes as much or more than my hubby and we have the same amount of people in our family...

So I stopped by 711 and bought him a hotdog and gatorade..

He said thanks Aunt Donna I really appreicate all that you do for me...

I said then make me proud and go far in life...Your a good kid Clayton....

I could call my sister and bitch her out but remember she isnt talking to me....LOL

IT wouldn't do any good she would say I never told him that I wouldnt give him money or she would say he never told her he needed money blah blah

Always lies...If her lips are moving then she is lieing..

Blech...makes me ill....

I took him back to school.....

DO you have one of these

Do you have one on these...

What you ask???

A sibling that you just can't be around because they are so <explicative@@> Stupid and childish..

I do and its my sister....I was informed by my nephew that she<my sister> remarked that we weren't speaking to each other..

I laughed and said to my nephew oh really well thanks for telling me because I wasn't aware...

I'll be sure and keep my end of the not talking up then lol lol

Childish My sister is childish,immature,selfish,a hustle of all things and all people..

There now I feel better....Well not really I would feel better if she would grow up emotionally..I can't say physically since she is 41 so techinally she is grown in that retrospect..

I would guess her emotionally age is HUMMMM

about 12 and sometimes dipping in the the single digits..

I do alot for her Kids and always have...Not for her but for the kids....Her parenting skills well she really doesnt have any...

Her parenting skills are screaming to her kids GET the Fuck out of my room....  Yep you read that right... and that is when she is in a nice mood...

My nephew has been doing better with his asthma but my sister is back smoking in the house again..

Why you ask would a parent smoke around a child who has alsmost died on serveral occasions from asthma...Because its her blankey blank house...

I'm sure that would be her response...

I'm done with her crap....Its a no win situation with me and frustrates me to no end..

I know she has the ability to be a decent person..I guess that is what ticks me off the most...

Once my nephew is grown then I won't have to be around it....

In fact I am off to take him to the Dr for his allergy shots......

I love him and inspite of his moms selfish behavior he has turned out to be a great kid....

He tells me I make him feel loved and that he matters...not just occasionally but consistantly..

Which he says he feels if he diedtomarrow his mom wouldn't really care...

Makes me sad...Makes me wish I could go slap some sense into my sister..

One day she will be sorry...when she is old and wanting them to take care of her....

I don't see that happening....

I'm sure when that day comes she will whine and say its everybody elses fault....She never takes ownership...

And probably never will....

Makes me sad....


Monday Monday

Monday Monday can't trust that day....

Remember that song..

Isn't it funny we ...think of the past through music..food..smells....

Today is a depressing day for me...confliction always equals depression...in my case anyway...

I am very blessed in alot of ways great husband,kids. not rich but not poor...

I know its the isolation I feel during the day when everyone is gone...

Too much time to think...

The weekend was great my oldest and his fiance spent all the weekend with us...

Nothing is more comforting as a mother than to have all your children around you....

Talked with my RN friend and she said that another hospital might want my services....

I need to look at my resume and see if it is up to date....Part of me is ok with working more and as always part of me starts to feel badly..wondering if they will work me too much and then It will effect my mothering...

Its always nice to have more income...but everything comes with a price doesn't it....

Think positive Donna

Hope everyone has a good week...and thanksgiving...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

conversation with Landon <24 year old>

Telephone rings...


Landon: Hello

Me: hey baby its your momma

Landon: hey mom what's up

Me: I wondered if you got my message about the wedding invitation

Landon: yeah I got it I have been working hard so I haven't had time to call you back

Me: Thats ok I just didnt know why Kevin sent you a wedding invitation since your going to be in the wedding in December.

Landon: I don't know why he sent me one...

Me:Well maybe he just wanted to send the invitation and all the rig-ga-maroe that goes with it

Landon: RIG-GA-MAROE did you just say


Me: Yeah why

Landon:RIGA-GA-MAROE is something my grandma would say NOT my mother...

Me:<snickering> Well who do you think I learned it from my mom who is duh your grandma

Landon: MOM your not that old

Me: well thanks I think....<smile>


Nice to see one of my sons don't think I'm old....:-)

Friday, November 11, 2005


I'm sitting here reading journal and my head is hurting and my nose is aching..

I think why is my nose hurting and I remember...

I was helping my friend with her daycare today and the one kid that is hyper was picking up toys..I reached down to help him and he pulled his head up and


He hit the tip of my nose with his hard head....I thought I was going to pass out...tears came into my eyes...

I wanted to knock that kid across the room especially when he acted like I hurt his head and didnt seem to care I was about to cry..

He showed no remorse I swear this kid is strange

Yeah I know he didnt mean to ....

I really thought he broke my nose....


Now I remember why my nose hurts...

I think I will go take a advil....

This is November

I took my bath and washed my hair...

Zachary said mom come lay with us on the trampoline and look at the stars..

So I crawl up in my pjs and wet hair...its 70 degrees outside...I thought to myself looking up at the moon

I can't belive this is November I love this summer weather in november...

Sunday, November 6, 2005

a good night

Desperate houswives and thens Grey's anatomy

its a good night!!!!!!


Today we went to Church http://fellowshipchurch.com

 This is the church we go to...We havent been in a while...I struggle ...anyway....the band sang a song and they displayed the lyrics as the head singer sang...

I got such a lump in my throat...it made me sad....my life is slipping away...I sometimes feel so lost..and not sure what my place is in this world...

Anyway hear are some of the lyrics...



Yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead

Yesterday is a promise that you've broken

don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes

this is your life.... today is all you've got now
 and today is all you'll ever have

don't close your eyes
don't close your eyes

This is your life, are you who you want to be???

This is your life, are you who you want to be???

This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
when the world was younger and you had everything to lose

Yesterday is a kid in the corner

Yesterday is dead and over

This is your life, are you who you want to be???
This is your life, are you who you want to be???

This is your life,.....is it everything you dreamed that it would be when the world was younger and you had everything to lose


the group is switchfoot....

Friday, November 4, 2005

Did you see this

Check for your Driver's License .....and remove it! I definitely
>removed mine. I suggest you all do the same. Now you can see anyone's
>Driver's License on the Internet, including your own!
>  I just searched for mine and there it was......picture and all!
>  Thanks Homeland Security! Go to the web site, and check it out.
>  It's unbelievable!!!
>  Just enter your name, city and state to see if yours is on file. After
>   Your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please
>Remove". This  will remove it from public viewing, but not from law
>   Please notify all your friends so they can protect themselves, too.
>Believe me they will thank you for it.

Thursday, November 3, 2005

conversation with Zachary

Zachary my soon to be 8 year old loves to pretend play he has a vivid imagination..

Last night I was laying in bed watching Tv and he walks up with a pad and pen in hand

Zachary: Hello I'm Zachary what would you like to eat.

Me: Are you my waiter..

Zachary: Can I take your order?

< there he sttod with a pen and paper looking so cute and sincere>

Me: ok I guess get me a salad

Zachary: Ok .....<he looks at his paper and looks at me and said> How do you spell that??

Me: I started laughing...Can you imagine being in a restaraunt and ordering and the waiter ask you to spell your order>

Me: S-A-L-A-D

Zachary: what would you like to drink?

Me: <so i 'm thinking I will make this simple and pick a drink that isnt hard to spell> I'll have Tea

Zachary: ok hummmm how do you spell tea...???

Me: zachary you are a hoot son..

Zachary looks at me with that cute grin....


Kids gotta love them