Monday, February 7, 2005

Cat lady chokes on hair ball

Well I deleted last entry the pictures dissapeared and didnt have e-mail that I got them from... So Sorry

Today was a good day cat lady didn't come in...She called at 11:00 saying she woke up late....duh since you come in a 9:00 I think your late...Then later called in to say she was sick....

Coworkers comes in and says cat lady sick wont be in....I said breaks my heart coworker agrees...

I know big boss talked with her and told her to be more patient..Yeah like that is going to happen in her little world...

Anywho is was a good day except I ate too much candy...

Bad Donna..

Off to the naughty room I go



Anonymous said...

Oh no...candy is good :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

naughty that idea

Anonymous said...

Would you get in trouble for putting the staples in the wrong spot? If not....I would so do it!
what's  wrong with candy?)