Saturday, February 26, 2005

What do you think?

I have been playing with the idea of going to massage school..

Acutally I have thought about it for years but always found reason for not going..

So does anybody have any ideas on this...

There are several school in Dallas so I will have to check them out..

I have gotten massage for many years and I truely believe it has help me.... especially when I had my car wreck 3 years ago..

I would appreciate any feedback




Anonymous said...

It is hard work. Iknow several people that got their "dipolma" in massage and thought they would make a killing. Nope. All the legit ones shut down cause the ones that are a front get all the business if you know what I mean. I used to love a good massage when I would get thru playing racquetball.

Anonymous said...

It pays very little, the hours suck and it's hard on your body. I have a cousin who is a massage therapist. She worked for one of Arden's Red Door Salons and barely made $25,000 with tips. She is now going to school for Physical Therapy.

Anonymous said...

Hi I don't know if you read the following journal :
but she is a massage therepy student... Hope you are having a good weekend... Linda

Anonymous said...

do not listen to these people who say you cannot make money doing it.  I have firends who are making $60+ an hour... They work for themselves...making an average of $300 for 5 hours of work.  THey work for themselves.  I am going thru school, as someone mentioned earlier.  I am loving it!  I never knew there would be so much stuff to learn.  NY state requires 100 hours of school, and a certani grade before you can take the state boards.  NY has one of the toughest requirements.  If YOu want to do it, go for it!!!! I am trung 44 next month, have a hubby and 4 kids, and am only going 3 days a week!1  I love.  Get the info from the school, visit them, talk to student, take to former student..and go for it!!!  BTW, my ex- lives in DAllas and I know he needs a good massage therapist.  When you are ready for clients, let me know and I will put him in touch with you!  ( we are good friends now!)

Anonymous said...

oooh, that would be very, very cool-, Donna--and with your skills, you'd be helping tons of people!

~tara :)

Anonymous said...

oohhhh you live in dallas...i live in go to school and you can practice on


Anonymous said...

I have ALWAYS wanted to do this too!!  I have books and books on massage:  infant massage, children's massage, massaging for migraines, etc., etc.  I used to make my own oils too just for the purpose of massaging my family.  This has all fallen by the wayside though since the 3rd child came along.  But, you give me hope!  Maybe one day I will be doing the same thing as you!  At least thinking about it!  I say GO FOR IT!!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa