Friday, February 10, 2006

conversation with cameron and zachary

I get in the car to pick up kids from school.....

They hop in smiling and Zachary has a heart cookie in his hand..............

Zachary: Mommie look at what Cameron gave me..... his Valentine Cookie..

Me: That is nice. Give me a bite  what did you get a cookie for Cameron???

Cameron: we had our valentines party today!!!

Me:   WHAT!!! I missed it !!!! Valentines isn't until Tuesday that is when Zacharys is... why did they have it today?

Cameron: I dunno<shrugs shoulders>

Me: Baby I'm sorry if I had know I would of come to the party I didn't get the e-mail from the room mother..

Cameron: oh that's ok

Zach: My party is Tuesday right momma

Me: yes and I got you a box to decorate to put your cards in..

Zach: oh goody

Me: daddy can help you decorate it

Zach: I just love that Daddy

Me: <laughing> That Daddy huh

Me: yeah he is so nice he builds me things...

<chica our chihuahuah was in my lap and stuck her head around because she smelled candy.>

Zach: what does chica smells...Look at her he giggles

Me :She smells your candy but don't give it to her its bad for her

Zach: Well.... tell her its bad for her

ME: she doesn't understand human talk

Zach: oh only dog talk ??...well maybe when she grows up

ME: nope she only understands doggie talk even when she is big..

WE get to the house...

Me: Cameron did you get any good candy.

Cameron: in his best southern drawl he says.....Momma we won the lottery

Me: really

Cameron: the lottery in candy

Zach: Here momma you can have the hearts...I don't like um

Me:Hey those heart candies are the kids don't know what good candy is <laughing>

So what am I sitting here doing...??

you guessed it eating the valentine heart candy...

Dang dog...CHICHA come back here....she stole one...Don't tell the kids...<snicker>


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful conversation!!  Your boys are such a blessing!!!  And, I just found out my son's V-day party is next Tuesday but it's at NOON.  I have Emma here with me and siblings are not allowed to come, so I can't go to his party.  He is pretty bummed out.  I am making cookies darnit though!  They didn't ask, but I am sending them in anyway!!  LOL!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

By the way, that picture is BEAUTIFUL of you and hubby!  LOVE IT!!!  :)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

That is a lovely picture of you and your Hubby....
Your boy's keep us all entertained - loved your

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed looking through your journal & I also have signed your map.

Anonymous said...

Now, Donna, some doggies can understand English just perfectly!  Our old Zena dog does.  You can mention something casually, and she will respond to it.  She's a Boston Terrier.  Hope you have an incredible Valentines Day!  -  Barbara