Thursday, December 23, 2004

just me

Some people have requested to see me so here I am in all my glory in 1999 250lbs

yes very fat...This is me before gastric bi.pass surgery....If you saw me on the street would you look the other way????? would you snicker or make fun...

If you were honest with yourself and me the answer maybe yes.....

or maybe no....            but you see underneath the fat is a person......a beautiful person who is just like everyone......someone who needs love .accepctance,,understanding..Someone who needs to be seen not for the outer shell but for what is inside and what can be.....I dont speak for all overweight people only myself...... Below is a picture of me at my thinnest.... 113lbs......I am no longer this thin..I'm about 145 yes you can gain weight with gastric bipass it is not a cure all..Soory for the quailty of the pictures my scanner is not the best.... The man in the picture is my DR

lawerence barzune...a wonderful man and human being...

So there you have it me.....the good the bad and ugly......



Anonymous said...

As a large lady myself I think you are beautiful in the original picture. We should love ourselves as we are and people should accept us the way that we are, we are people and that is all there is too it.  I am sad we live in a world where if you do not look like a model you are supposed to feel ashamed.  You look good in the second picture, but too thin!!!  I do not like to see bones sticking out. So, if you have gained a few pounds, so what, it does not matter.  Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Christmas xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I think that both pictures are beautiful and it is all about how we feel about ourselves and not what other people think of us.  As hard as that might be, to not feel society's pressure to be a certain size or a certain way.  Thanks for sharing!
Merry Christmas!  

Anonymous said...

hell woman you looked just fine in the first photo!
Anyone who looks at another human being and judges from the outside is an eejit!
It was three years before I clocked that one of our neighbours was asian and then only when someone else mentioned it. I just saw him as human being.

Anonymous said...

Honestly?  No, I would not have looked the other way or laughed.  I'm a large lady myself, larger in fact than you were back in 1999.  Like you, I would love to lose my weight, mainly for health reasons though, as I don't really have a problem with anyone laughing at me, and my hubby finds me more attractive now than when I was skinny :o)  Good for you hon, being slimmer is better health wise, but you're lovely smile looks the same in both photo's.  That's what I notice about people.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing with us.  A journal buddy recommended your journal...I am just starting my bypass journey...just looking at how happy you are gives me inspiration.  God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Very eye opening... Thank you for being so brave and sharing... And being so truthful, that the surgery isn't a fix all... You are beautiful no matter what.

Anonymous said...

I am switching over to kaiser and am trying to get my Dr to get me the gastric. I hope I can. What things are required to be able to get it? Well Have a Merry Christmas ~Heather