Friday, December 24, 2004

Thank you

Thank you for all the honest and kind comments......

My family....cant wait to get a digital camera so the images will be better


Its funny but the comments I got being overweight werent near as harsh as when I got thin.... There were coworkers who said some pretty ugly things to me after I became thin........I realized it was jealousy rearing its ugly head.....Not really jealousy of me but what I had accomplished..... I expected some of it....however it was a very very hard surgery.....scary..painful...

at one point I had I think if they knew all I went through maybe they would of had more compassion.....or maybe not.......

Gastric bi-pass has given me a better quality of health has improved....I'm able to do kids have a  mom who can run and husband has a more healthier wife who will be around to grow old together with him <God willing>

What gastric bipass wont do for you....

1. It won't improve your marriage or can acutally make them worse..because has you get thinner you take less crap from people.....If people are used to dumping on you they won't like the new attitude.....I've seen patients get divorced because husband or wives can't handle the new changes..

3.You lose your best friend <food>

4. Your weight is not the problem  or the resons you life is the way it is a result of you not handling your problems and life with food

5. Losing weight with gastric bipass is not magic you have to exercise, eat a certain way.....for the rest of your life.

6.Gastric bipass is a tool to help...You do the hard work its there to help

7. You can gain all your weight back it is not fool have to be willing to follow the rules

8.Psychotherapy will really help....It helped me because as I got thinner I would sabatage my eating because I didn't know how to handle some of the new changes and emotions I was going through......


####I'm speaking for myself only.........This is my

experience and some of the lessons I learned....I share only because some of you have shown an interest in the surgery. I have lots of other information if you would like e-mail me personnally and I will answer any questions you have..... I hope everyone has a great christmas....... I'm listening to a song my Mercy Me called word of GOD speak and the words are so beautiful.... so I leave you with a few of the lyrics.....   Word of God speak would you pour down like rain Washing my eyes to see your majesty To be still and know ....your in this place...... please let me stay and rest your holiness Word of GOD speak   Donna In TEXAS


Anonymous said...

Next year is going be 'get fit' year for my hubby and I, as he has just been diagnosed with diabetes.  I carry more weight than him, so could do with losing lots myself too :o)  Am thinking that I'll have oodles more energy if I can just shift a pound or two!!  Some people don't like to see you changing yourself, they like to keep you in that little box.  Good for you though, for making those changes anyway.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

What people tend not to understand about the surgery you went through is that it takes a lot of courage to go through it and then it takes upkeep for the rest of your life.  It's not a "quick fix", nor is it an easy way out of dieting the "old fashioned way".  You seem to have your head very together and have the right attitude to handle what happened after the surgery.  My aunt in Florida just went through this surgery and has already lost 127 pounds, she looks like a totally different person and is now going in for surgery in January to get everything "trimmed and tucked" as she would say.  I can't tell you how much younger she looks now!  And the smile on her face is priceless!  Some people just don't know how to be happy for someone else.  That's very sad!  You did a great thing and I am proud of you!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend had people including members of her own family tell her that she l;ooked better before losing weight. She worried about what would happen with her relationship with her hubby but decided that her relationship with herself was far more important! She does not regret having it done. Her relationship with her hubby is better than ever! I am glad that you had the surgery. I want you to be around for a long time to come!

Anonymous said...

Amazing.  This is a very, very interesting entry!  I love Mercy Me!  God bless you for going through the gastric bypass surgery!