Saturday, August 13, 2005

Duck and cover the Russians are coming

Yes I know a strange title for those of you who are younguns...but for people my age 43 and older...

We heard Duck and Cover and watched flims telling us the Russians are going to bomb us...ALOT

The Films were shown in school and we were taught to jump or duck under our desk and cover our heads...Hence the name duck and cover..

Now if you ask me I don't think covering my head would really protect me if a A bomb really did land on my school...But hey I was just a kid I just did what I was told

When I was little we were taught Russians were bad people and would kill us...Maybe so...... I was so young I didn't really know...

Who would know that 30 some years later the life this small child who was now a woman would take a strange turn...

Ya want to know dont ya...Well I will continue tomarrow


<Ok its not nice to call me that name HA!!I heard that>



Anonymous said...

Read my next entry, hon....the Russians are STILL out to get us!

Your future husband,

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Russian people are bad -- but I fear Putin.  And I fear the wholesale selling of nukes to whoever has money to buy them.  I'm not optimistic about the situation.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, you mean I missed the entire "Duck and Cover" routine in school?!  Darn!  Just kidding!  I don't understand how hiding under your desks would really protect you though.  LOL!
Hugs and love, Lisa