Sunday, August 14, 2005

Patrick six

1. A reader to "Men's Journal" recently wrote about technological innovations, stating that there isn't any gadget he couldn't live without:  "To see how vital technology is, spend a few days in the backcountry without your phone, pager, PDA, laptop, cappuccino machine, or MP3 player.  You'll emerge cleansed and refreshed."  Could you go a whole week really roughing it with no modern conveniences? YEs I could but I guess having a indoor bathroom is something I could not live without,,

 Would you want to?I enjoy my laptop and the TV...but if they were taken away I guess I would deal...I mean what choice would I have....

2. What is the most you've ever paid for a:
    A) Shirt 30.oo
    B) Pair of Shoes 75.00 running shoes
    C) CD or Album 18.00
    D) DVD 16.00
    E) Book 8.00
    F) Vacation 200.

3. Looking back at the answers to#2, which one was the most foolish?

Paying 200.00 to spend vacation with my husband family who is psycho....I called it my vacation from Hell

4. Take this quiz:   Which snack food are you?

ok I guess I'm boring

5. There are three wells:  Love, Beauty and Creativity.  If you could only drink from one of them, which would you choose and why?Beauty because people judge you on what you look like...They say they dont but they lie...Plus being old and beauty sounds way for fun than..old and butt ugly

6. If you were another person, do you think you would be friends with the person you know as yourself?YEs because I cherish true friendship and I am very caring about people..sometimes to a fault though

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