Saturday, January 1, 2005

Picture from Hometown


1. Where were you when the clock struck midnight?  With whom did you ring in the new year? I was sleepingin my bed...boring i know

2. Do you have any foods you always eat on New Year's Day, and if so, what do the foods signify for your family? nope none..

3. Do you believe that these "superstitious foods" work? nope

4. Did you make any New Year's Resolutions this year, and if so, which of them do you honestly expect to have kept by December 31, 2005?

Not really maybe to let go and let GOD

5. What is the most enjoyable DVD you purchased in 2004?  What's the most enjoyable DVD boxed set you purchased in 2004? none always by dvds for the kids non for me

6. What would you most like to see change in AOL Journal-land in 2005? well my list would be probably too long to mention...I have lots of ideas...


Anonymous said...

We eat pork and sauerkraut and mashed potatoes here in PA.  Don't know why and don't even know if it is supposed to be lucky, but it is fixed every New Year's Day.  I received a plate of it from my upstairs neighbor.  Boy was it yummy!

Anonymous said...

I concur with your previous commenter.  I'm also in Pennsylvania.  I don't know if it's a regional thing or not, but we also eat pork on New Years.