Saturday, January 8, 2005

Patricks Saurday Six

  1. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #38:  If you could live in a foreign country(or city) for one year, which would you choose and why? Somewhere tropical Bermuda, Hawaii...I love the ocean and the lull it brings to my soul Ok wait now that I think about it with the tsunami not sure about it now kind of scary

2. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #39:  Did you have a security blanket, stuffed animal or toy that you were attached to as a child?  Do you still have it?
Well I did have a pretend friend named Nece

3. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #40:  Favorite alcoholic beverage?
I like bloody mary  or red draw
<red draw is a beer and tomato juice in a ice cold mug>  Taste better than it sounds

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #41:  What was your favorite cartoon as a child?

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #42:  Is there a chore you enjoy doing?
Taking a bath oh wait that's not a chore Ha!!!! hummmm....lets see I guess cleaning the toilets...

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #43:  A time machine will let you travel 10 years into either the past of future.  Which would you choose and why?
DUH   10 years younger..... I want the younger face back and body  yeah baby


Anonymous said...

Ahh, Bermuda's tsunami-free but they get horrendous hurricanes.  That said, I love the idea of living somewhere tropical for a year--I wish I'd thought of that.  Maybe I can come visit you when that happens :D

And I was skinny at 18...  I didn't answer my own questions so well! :D

~tara :)

Anonymous said...

1.  I'd live in Greece.  Visiting a few years ago and love the history and beauty!
2.  I had a "bompee."  I'd sit at on the steps waiting for it to go through the wash and dry cycles.
3.  I rarely have a cocktail but I'd have to say a strawberry dacquiri.  I'm a sappy, girly girl drinker.
4.  Can't say I have one particular favorite cartoon.
5.  The chore I enjoy most is gardening.
6.  I'd travel 10 years back because I'd beat some to their inventions. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love living in England, so wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but if I had to choose it would be Peoria USA, to live with my favourite cousin for a year :o)
Good questions!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

you "enjoy" cleaning the toilets?  

This is my first time here.  I came because your comment in Patrick's most recent journal entry brought a big smile to my face and I wanted to give you a standing ovation.  

Then I read that you enjoy cleaning toilets, and now I'm thrilled to be here!   You sound like my kind of wacky chick!  :)  I'm moving on down to your next entry.