Monday, March 14, 2005

First day at home


So its my first day home...I've been pacing the house all day feeling like I should be doing something....

I'm so ADD....I do dishes, some laundry<not too much cause I hate laundry> I even make the bed < dont pass out mom>

You would think I would fall back into being a sahm..but I do not I need STRUCTURE..someone to tell me what to do.

SOOO I go to Mcdonalds and get the kids some chicken nuggets to take up to the school...That's it I will go up and have lunch with the kids...

I'm eating with the 9year old and he say MOM your the best mom ever...My heart melts..GOD knows I love this kid...

But there was a time...when this child was young his behavior embarssed me on a daily basis....Never a dull moment<he is ADD/ADHD >

I was shopping at Wal Mart I'm not sure how old cameron was maybe 5...maybe smaller he was in the basket so probably younger..

anyhow...I was in the milk was a very busy day..lots of moms out..Cameron kept wiggling and trying to stand up in the basket...

I was getting so frustrated because he wouldn't set down...

I finally said out of  desperation CAMERON what is your problem!!!!

In a very loud voice he said MOMMA my weiner is sticking up and won't go down.... <GULP> I felt like everybody in the milk section turned around and stared at me...I heard moms snickering under there breath

My face turned red and I tryed not to seem embarassed but my face was about 5 shades of red...

In a calm and quite voice I said Well honey.... leave it alone and it will go down on its own...    I quitely scooted out of that aisle...

I told my husband and he laughed his butt off....HE said YEP that cameron...speaks his mind....

I called my mom and said I'm sorry if I ever embarssed you when I was young...She just laughed and said You pay for your raising....Thanks for the curse mom  


Anonymous said...

That is so funny!

Anonymous said...

oh that is too funny...lmao...Austin came to me one morning and told crying that he had to pee but he couldnt cause his peepee was standing up and wouldnt go down! ..I told him..."GO FIND DADDY HE CAN TELLYOU WHAT TO DO" ...lolol

Oh the joys....


Anonymous said...

glad I am not the only one who gets embarassed by the kids!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I feel for ya!  I have three boys, and NONE of them said anything like that!!!  I am sorry for laughing so hard!!!   JAE

Anonymous said...

I know it wasn't funny at the time...but to actually read it....made me say the darndest things.... =)   ~Terri~

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!  I just laughed out loud.  If my son does something like that to me someday, I'll probably die laughing.  
You'll find a routine soon.  It's just your first day.:)

Anonymous said...

boys will be boys....LMAO !! Great story !!

Anonymous said...

Hee-hee, aint' it fun having a boy?!?!  My son speaks his mind too but thankfully he has never mentioned THAT in a grocery store filled with people!!!  I told you it would take a long while before you get used to being a SAHM, so just take each day at a time and learn to relax.  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

A blackmail story for those teenage girlfriend years!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, bless him!  That's so cute - the 'you're the best Mom ever' thing, not the wiener story, that's just really funny ;o)  I say that with sympathy, we've all been embarassed while out shopping with our kids for one reason or another!
It takes time to get used to a change in routine, you'll get there though my dear.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

ohhhhh!!!! I am howling!!!! judi

Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This made my day!!!!