Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Election bring out the creature in all of us

Ok how do I say this politely???? Is the freaking election over yet!!!

I'm eating my weight in stress over this crap..... No it's not about who wins....... it's something way more stressfull  let me explain......

My mother lives with my husband and I.

My mother is for Kerry

My husband is for Bush


They are driving me crazy!!!! The comments flying back and forth gee people aaaahhhhhhh.

I say make them both president and let them work it out together or throw them both out and get two different people altogether...:-)

Yeah thats the ticket  lets put my husband and mom as president and lets watch them fight it out......


I tried to stay out of it but nooooooo   they had to pull me in.  SO I tried to tell my point of view but they didn't want to hear my point of view they wanted me to side with them I refused to take sides.  I gave up nobody is listening to me.

Well mom kind of listen to me.... after all I am her child she gave birth to me so I get a little rank there:-)  ..but hubby is blowing and going bush ..blah blah blah blah...Democrats blah blah

I can see the hairs on my moms neck  oh my gosh she is going to blow

My husband is usually a very quite person but this stuff makes him a creature. Now I know he listens to talk radio glen beck darrell ankarlo and all those sorts ..news and...he knows a lot about the goings on etc..... but come on give it a rest your not goin to win with my mom

SO I went to the kids room to read them a story ....came back 20 minutes

so here is what transposed.

ME: <I walk in and husband is blowing like archie bunker.>... I say Are you still quaking about this election stuff.

Husband: Well its better than getting online 10 times a day instead of cleaning the house ..      Yep ladies he went there........

ME:oh you think I don't clean the house well I wont clean a damn thing again @@@ and I walked out of the room.

15 minutes later......................

I 'm in the bathtub analyzing how in the heck did I get pulled into that crap..... I fell right into to it...... I see two little eyes peeking through the door.

Yes is was hubby begging my forgiveness..HA!!

Yes I will forgive him in a couple of hours<smile>

Theory this election brings out the creature in all of us......

Ps I hired this little gopher above to protect me from futher election backlash:-)



Anonymous said...

Ugh, I feel your pain.  My mom is VERY democratic and my husband is VERY republican.  They dont' argue, but you can feel the rumble just below the surface building up.  Luckily my mom doesn't live with us...yet..:)  I pretty much keep my views to myself because I LOATHE arguing.  I'll share some things but when it gets heated, I'm done.:)

Anonymous said...

I love your Guard. Can I borrow him?? LOL!
Candace....a very disappointed well informed Kerry supporter who could go a round or two with your hubby. I'll send you an email on those PMS days when I "really" know my politics. <g>