Saturday, November 6, 2004

I not feeling well today woke up with a sore throat...Everybody is getting on my nerves even I'm getting on my own nerves.


This damn orange pumkin has found me again and I have woof down a snickers and a butterfinger.....snack size of course which means I can eat more right:-)

We took the kids to a national guard place and took picture of zach and cameron with army tanks.  Zach loved it. He loves anything army.

Stopped by the library picked a book they were holding for me... The time travelers wife.  I hope it is good.

Will write more later when my brain isnt full of snot!!! blech!! ...Gross I know

Donna In Texas


Anonymous said...

I hate days where you can't stand your own self.  Been there.  I hope you feel well soon!

Anonymous said...

yikes! I hope you feel better soon.  You have a nice journal :-)