Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Have we gone too farr

So I was listening to the radio or the news I forget and in plano texas they want to take the swings off the play grounds because kids might swing to high and fall and get hurt..

I thought WTH..surely I didnt hear that right....

I thougth come on people...

Now I'm all for protecting my children...but kids have got to learn things....and some of the learning is experenece

Keeping your kids in a bubble and not exposing or at least educating them on life...for me is down right humm shall we say stupid...

It like not letting your infant try to walk because they might fall and hurt themselves...

There are so many hellicoper moms in this area is it alarming....

You guys know what I'm saying...Everything in moderation..and being too protective can cause I child to go into culture shock when they are grown and out in the real world...

Our jobs as parents is to teach our children to be good citizens,be resposible,kind,unselfish...etc...I could go on...but you get the picture

the daily things of life...

But up here I see parents who overindulge there children..example BMW's for there 16 birthdays...unlimited wardrobe...I could go on and on..

Then the parents are shocked when little suzi or billy cant fuction on a minimal paying job..or becomes demanding because she or he is used to the finer things in life that she didnt work to earn...

So now I see alot of these spoilt chilren..being helluns because they are used to being catered to and nothing expected from them to earn it..

I guess what I'm seeing is an idea of entitlement...

Gee and these will be the people who run the world when I get older...

I shuttered...


Anonymous said...

Totally agree.  
Why just pick on swings?  Kids can fall and hurt themselves from slides, climbing frames, all kinds of things... brick walls even!  Should we ban brick walls do you think?
Sara   x   <-- used to like walking on garden walls ;o)

Anonymous said...

Well now I've heard it all. No swings on the playground? Oh and they may get hit in the head playing softball. Thanks for the comment in my journal. You were born the same year as my youngest daughter. She was born on Mother's Day that year. Paula

Anonymous said...

That is absurd. No swings? How far is all this going to go? It is very sad I tell you. *Louise*

Anonymous said...

Now that IS downright scary.