Monday, May 9, 2005

Big whiney baby

So I have to go to work tonight at the hospital..

I do not want to...I don't work that much maybe 2 or up to 5 nights a month...

I don't really have any excuse to whine..

Some people would love to work so little..

I am lucky I know this...I used to work fulltime so I know I am blessed..

I don't feel like being trapped for 12 hours in a O.R. suite..I will get over it...

I enjoy working with my friend<The RN>..

I hope the patient is easy and sleeps...

Your never know......

I dont mind taking care of the people and the RN does all the meds and charting and stuff....

I just hate when we have patients who confuse me with what I call the maid syndrome..

They think I'm some low life uneducated bimbo there to hold the tissue when they sneeze...

You know the type..who think I'm dirt under there feet...

I want to scream hey there ms princess ..I do this job to help my family..I'm not uneducated..I went to college...

I choose this...

That's right I choose this so I can be home and raise my kids....Unlike you who probably spends more money in one day than I make all year

..a nanny to raise your kids...and now your getting a big face lift so hubby wont leave...

But I'm not bitter now am I lol lol

Actually In  reality most of them are lonely...

kind of sad....

But hey I'm here to help...

Need me to hold that tissue for you sweetheart..




Anonymous said...

I would get irritated at other people who thought they were better than me.  Complain all you want, its your journal!!


Anonymous said... poor thing..Nurses are not appreciated as they should be most of the time...people are something..

xoox E

Anonymous said...

I guess when they're sad and lonely you don't mind holding that tissue, must rub you up the wrong way when they expect it though!  I'd be the same ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...the life of working in a hospital with some people thinking they are better than you....i know that feeling all to well Donna....kinda sucks sometimes...but u know what i do that really pisses them off....i kill them with kindness...
<<<evil grin>>>

Anonymous said...

Precisely why I don't work in any kind of "people" field.  I hate them, they hate me, screw em all and I hope they spill their coffee on the ride to work...yeah, I'm still bitter about my retail job.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean...I hate working in a job where I am serving a person, so to speak. I could never be a waitress or something like that! I would be fired the first day! I hate prima donnas anyway, in any situation!