Friday, April 8, 2005

The jokester


My 7 year old has discovery joke telling...

All kids go through this and they think there jokes are new and so funny...

Most jokes he tells me I have already heard...

With Zach he is like the energizer bunny...

He keeps telling the joke and telling the joke

So here is the latest

Why did Tigger look down the toliet??

He was looking for Pooh.....

ok its kind of funny the first time...

but time telling number 50 not so funny..

Calgon take me away!!!


Anonymous said...

Hee-hee!  I remember one joke that my son told about one million times when he was 7 also!  Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?  Because he didn't have the guts!  Hardy Har Har!  After about the 10th time having to laugh at it, you just start to say "okay, that is more than enough!".  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I'd never heard that particular joke before --- and I laughed --- out loud!  I guess I'm a childish fan of potty humor!   Russ

Anonymous said...

Well, I laughed because I had not heard it.  Know what you mean though lolol

Anonymous said...

Love that... I'm always telling the kids, "OK it was funny the first 20 times !! "

Anonymous said...

Yes, it IS funny...!  JAE

Anonymous said...

hey have you heard this one ?
Why did Tigger look down the toilet ?
He was looking for Pooh...
Oh wait I guess you have hard it before !!!
Sorry I had too.
My dd is 5.her jokes never make sense and often have farting in the last line...

Anonymous said...

I'd not heard it either!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee!
My son tells jokes too, he thinks they're hilarious!
Here's one...
'Knock knock - who's there? - Mummy - Mummy who? - Mummy pleh!!'
Yep, hilarious!!
Sara   x