Friday, April 22, 2005

story rule number 1

ok Rule number 1...

If you want to talk to Donna and have her actually listen to you don't talk if the TV or computer is in front of her face...She is ADD and can't keep her attention on you....

My husband knows this .....but what does he do he comes in the bedroom and starts telling me the story about were he was for the last hour which by the way was only going to be a 15 minute trip...

My husband cannot I repeat cannot just tell the story....he go on and on and on and never gets to the point!!

well my brian goes opps there he goes again and it swtiches off and my eyes float to the tv...

I say to myself.....Self stop this and listen to your husband

so he is talking dvd blah blah balh .high defention...costs....blah blah

and I hear blah blah blah like the teacher on Charlie Brown..

So something on 2020 catches my eye and he sees I'm not paying attetion he say your not paying attention are you???... I blush and say nope I'm know how you have to break the connection with the TV with my brain..

He gets up and says you havent listen to any of this have you ...I said no..I 'm sorry

So he huffs off and says fine I'm going to cancel the dish TV.....< he is kidding but is also trying to say you hurt my feelings .....after you live with someone 11 years you know what they really mean>

I jump up and say oh baby I'm sorry I turned off the tv tell me the story I want to hear it please please...<I'm overacting the please as I say it>

I'm chasing him around and he is acting all huffy....He is kidding sort of...I feel badly because I hurt his feelings..

So I'm trying to smooch up to him....He says nope not working I said ok I'm sorry but you know you decide what you want my opioion doesnt really ever count..when it comes to electronics....

So I start to tell him something about talking to my sister and he say nope not listening to your story and laughs......Little turd got me back..I deserved it

So I guess I better so snuggle and kiss up  lol



Anonymous said...

you 2 sound like my hubby and I.  Too Cute.  Hope the snuggling was fun.


Anonymous said... sound like me and my hubby..lmao....he gets so pissy when i wont listen.....but hell i can barely write in my journal and watch a movie at the same


Anonymous said...

I do that all of the time! My husband like to ramble on and on about thing he knows I would never need to know and frankly don't care, but he does it anyways. I have learned that if I tune him out for about a minute at a time I get the info I was wanting to hear. LOL Brandie

Anonymous said...

OMG are we married to the same man? I don't think ADD has anything to do with it. It is being married for so long! LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Lol, seems like we all do this!!  I know my hubby tunes me out when I waffle on about something I read in someones journal, and I do if he waffles on about work for too long!  Have to say, I think my journal stories are much more interesting than his work ones ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

My husband is the same way....just get to the point !!!

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way about my hubby and his stories and how they go on FOREVER!  They can never get to the point of the story in under 20 mins, I don't get that!  I will be on here reading journals and he will start "You will never guess what happened at work today . . . ." and that's about all I hear.  LOL!  I don't suck up afterwards though, that's the diff between you and I.  I guess I make it look really good that I am listening  huh?  Hee-hee!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

HAHA.  I am the same way, except I nod my head and make facial expressions, he's so fooled.

Anonymous said...

LMAO...I am terrible about that when it comes to me being on the computer and trying to listen to my hub at the same time...i rarely hear a word he says...but he does the same thing to me when he is watching tv...oh
Hugss ~Terri~

Anonymous said...

It goes back and forth with my husband and I...he is watching sports and totally tuning me out and I am watching Survivor and tune out the whole world. When I am writing in my journal, I can't hear anything! Don't feel bad, we all do it! Making up is the fun part though! *wink*